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MIPROMALO - French Research and Development Agencies explore ways of partnering to build a New Bio geoscience Centre with Local Materials

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Experts from three French research and development agencies namely the French Institute for Research and Development (IRD), the French Agency for Development (AFD) and the Debt Reduction Development Contract (C2D) have expressed the need to map out a working platform with the Local Materials Promotion Authority –MIPROMALO. This is one of the major outcomes of a visit paid by top officials of the above-mentioned institutions on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 to MIPROMALO’s Multi-purpose Centre (CPN) situated at the Nkolbisson neighbourhood in Yaounde.
Officials of the French research and development agencies wanted to have firsthand information and appreciate the production capacity and expertise of MIPROMALO as well as her intervention in the housing sector within the Centre Region in line with the eventual creation of a National Centre for Bio geoscience. While at the Nkolbisson Multi-purpose Centre, the team was received by the Director General of MIPROMALO, Dr Likiby Boubakar who was accompanied by some of his close collaborators amongst them the Director of the Multi-purpose Centre and a representative of the institution’s follow up unit.

The Director General of MIPROMALO made a succinct presentation of the institution with emphasis on the various building materials produced at the Centre. Dr Likiby Boubakar said the Centre produces materials categorized into two main types namely ceramic materials which include the different types and formats of fired bricks while the second category are the micro concrete materials with products like pavers, roofing and floor tiles, cement blocks of various sizes). In addition to this, the Director General also indicated that MIPROMALO has a team of seasoned engineers, architects and technicians who work in the design/conception and supervision of construction projects carried out by MIPROMALO.
A guided tour of the various production units operating at the Nkolbisson Multi-purpose Centre then took place with the Director General of MIPROMALO briefing the delegation at each stop. The questions raised by the experts received adequate responses and at the end of the visit, the officials from the French research and development agencies expressed satisfaction with the installations at the Centre, their functioning thereby signaling an eventual working collaboration with MIPROMALO.


The Director General of MIPROMALO, Dr Likiby Boubakar leading the team of officials from the French research and development agencies on a guided tour of the various production units at Nkolbisson

Read 5031 times Last modified on Tuesday, 19 January 2021 14:13

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