Organized for the first time since its inception in the town of Mbalmayo, headquarters of the Nyong and So’o Division, the 2020 Excellence Days of Scientific Research and Innovation for the Centre Region – JERSIRC saw the active participation of the Local Materials Promotion Authority (MIPROMALO). From the secretary general of the region right down to other authorities in their various ranks each expressed satisfaction as regards the variety of products exhibited by the institution at the two-day event in Mbalmayo.
The event was a veritable occasion for MIPROMALO to once more showcase her technical know-how in the domain of developing and promoting the use of locally produced materials for construction and other aspects. This was done through the exhibition of a variety of the products the institution produces in her production units. Featuring prominently amongst these products are the newly developed standardized cement products of various types notably the foundation blocks, wall blocks of 15’ and 12’ as well as the decking blocks. These products, owing to their resistance capacities, attracted many visitors to the institution’s stand set up at the esplanade of the Mbalmayo party hall that played host to the event. The curious visitors sought to know among other questions, the resistance of the products, the cost as compared to non-standardized products, their availability, possibilities of setting up such production units in the locality of Mbaymayo. All these worries were clarified by the team of experts from the institution’s communication and local materials promotion units that were on hand to entertain such issues from the public.
Numerous visitors continued pouring into the institution’s stand with a lot of admiration for her products and services offered to the public. Though not very far off from her installations in Yaounde, most Mbalmayo denizens equally expressed their fervent wish to see the production units set up in their town as this will go a long way to curb the rising cost of accessing decent housing in the town.
Visit of the Secretary General to MIPROMALO’s stand More visitors kept coming into MIPROMALO’s stand